Monday, October 22, 2012

Does it Make Sense to Track Your Kid?

Lately, we have seen a lot more parent want to track their teen driving kids. 
We continue to answer multiple questions regarding parents need to track their kids.

Here are a few that we hear:

Am I invading their privacy?

Short answer is yes. Know where they are or what they are doing is not a bad thing. Today, there are so many dangers for kids, from driving fast, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or just stay out to late.
These are things that we can help them make better decisions in situations that can impact their lives.
Too many tickets, they lose their license. Driving too fast causes more accidents. Stay out too late can create tension in the house.

Will they know I am tracking them?

Eventually the answer will be yes. Installing a tracking device in a vehicle can be made where no one knows it is there. But once you catch them in a lie, or drive too fast, it will come out in the open. We always suggest the honest approach. Letting them you want to give them their freedom, but need to be aware of where they are. You can use reference to events that have happened in the community, which could young drivers involved in accidents.
Another great reason is for the insurance discounts that are given to vehicles that have a tracker on them. Track all cars, so that they think it is for insurance reasons and not just for them.

What do I do when I catch them?

This is a difficult question to answer. They are many responses that can be used. It depends on the child, their past history, and the event. We always encourage NOT using the Big Brother, I am watching you approach. Discuss how they could have done things differently. I coaching and counseling approach always seems to be more influential then the hard handed approach.

Information is good. Knowing how you teen drive drives is good. With a GPS tracking device you have the ability to obtain more information.

Use it wisely.

Have questions?
Let us know. We have helped families since 2002 with their tracking needs.
